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The best hairdressing training to stay on top of fashion

18 February 2025 Blog d'inspiration
The best hairdressing training to stay on top of fashion

In the world of hairdressing, trends are changing at a crazy pace. The profession of hairdresser requires constant evolution.  Customers are increasingly looking for personalized and innovative services. To meet these expectations and succeed in standing out from the competition, it is necessary to train regularly not only to learn new techniques, but also to develop your creativity and differentiate yourself from the competition.


1 - Why train regularly?


Hairdressing is a professional field in constant evolution, especially since the arrival of social networks. New products and trends are emerging regularly. This is compounded by the changing values of a clientele that increasingly turns to ecological colorations. Strengthening your range of technical knowledge through different training or masterclass becomes essential to ensure your business attracts new customers, build loyalty and meet the new expectations of your existing customers.


2 - The types of training available


Hairdressing training is varied and diverse, whether it is based on hairdressing in technical, artistic or complementary training such as customer relationship training, sales, and even salon management. It’s hard to find your way around and what training is right for you.

Technical training

They allow to acquire the latest methods of coloring (including, vegetable and mineral coloring, which have been on the market for several years), sweeping, cutting and styling.


The artistic training

Ideal if you want to develop your creativity while learning to master original cuts and hairstyles for exceptional occasions such as fashion shows, weddings etc...

Salon and customer relationship training

They help to improve management skills but also consolidate its marketing and sales bases. Effective support and ease to guide customers towards a new routine after delivery will allow you to build a bond of trust, and create, develop a new source of revenue for your business.


There are also workshops and masterclasses with experienced and renowned hairdressers. These courses, often intensive, allow you to benefit from the expertise of great names in hairdressing and learn new techniques.


3 - What are the criteria for choosing a good training


The different types of training no longer have secrets for you, it is time to refine your research in order to be trained effectively, in a quality environment.


Learn about the organization’s reputation


Look for relevant information such as testimonials from former trainees, possible partnerships with trusted professional brands. Verify that your training is certified by the state (RNCP) or by QUALIOPI.

The experience of trainers and detailed training content


Do they have a professional background in line with your training, solid experience and recognised expertise in their field? All these questions are legitimate and should be asked at the same time as the request for a detailed programme and the provision of educational materials.


The pedagogical methods and post-training support


Find out about the usual modalities such as the format of the training, the duration (day, half-day), whether it is delivered in person only or remotely. Group size is also a key element, avoid large groups, this limits exchanges and interactions with the trainer. Don’t hesitate to ask for personalized follow-up or access to professional groups after you have completed your training.



4 - Examples of recognized training


With more than 250 hairdressers trained during the last 4 years and a success rate of 100%, the Rodolphe&Co academy offers you the possibility to participate in 7 natural technical training courses from hairdressing to wellness.


All of the following training courses are certified by QUALIOPI and are fully covered by the following organisations: FAFCEA for managers and OPCO for employees.


First approach to the Rodolphe&Co Universe: Mineral Coloration


This natural coloring technique created by the brand Rodolphe&Co, offers for example: A coverage of white hair and reflections more intense and lasting than vegetable coloring...


However, its installation and operation differs from the usual natural colors and it is necessary to follow a day of training in order to master the basics. Accompanied by an expert in mineral coloring, spend a day mixing theory and practice.


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Expertise in mineral coloration


Recommended for colour hairdressers already graduated in mineral coloring, this one-day training aims to address the more technical aspects and methods of mineral coloring, but not that, this day also serves as a time of exchange to answer your questions on mineral coloring in salon (particular case encountered since obtaining your diploma etc..).


Also ideal for hairdressers who want to awaken their creativity or keep up to date on new shades and techniques.


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Mineral scanning technique


Discover the mineral sweep, an innovation made in Rodolphe&Co that allows to lighten the hair in a natural way up to 6 tones. During a day, including a theory morning and a practical afternoon on model, learn all the techniques to become a sweep master.


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Vegetable colouring


You want to discover the world of vegetable coloring by Rodolphe&Co and the appropriate care routine for a professional long-term result, then this training is for you. Alongside one of our expert colourists, explore the many shades offered by Organic Infused.


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Cranial Modeling


You want to put the well being at the heart of your activity? This training allows you to set up an offer in line with current demands and trends. During one day, you alternate between practice on the massage table and theory for a thorough approach to care and cranial modeling technique.


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Care rituals


Develop a simple and professional offer with expertise on products allowing you to offer your customers high quality services achievable at the tray.


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Remember that your training is a valuable asset that will allow you to stand out and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

In a hairdressing salon, know-how is essential to offer quality services and satisfy customers. Beyond your initial training in aesthetics and your extensive knowledge of BP hairdressing, it is essential to master more advanced techniques and acquire ongoing expertise.

By combining technical learning and practical training, these courses provide professionals with the tools they need to evolve and establish themselves in the demanding world of hairdressing.

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