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Your questions about plant-based coloring

Many questions and false information persist on plant-based coloring...

01 October 2021 Actualités
Your questions about plant-based coloring


Your questions about plant-based coloring (FAQ)



In recent years, the progressive awareness about the dangerousness of chemicals as well as the multiplication of allergic reactions to them has brought to light an ancestral hair coloring technique: plant-based coloring. This natural coloring technique is attracting more and more people, but a lot of misinformation still circulates about it. In this article, we disentangle the true from the false and we answer all your questions about plant-based coloring. Do not hesitate to submit them to us by email or on our social networks to continue updating this FAQ!



Is plant-based coloring natural?

In principle, it is a 100% natural coloring, because it is composed only of plants mixed with water. However, beware of some unscrupulous coloring brands that claim to be natural or plant-based without having an adequate composition. For this, we recommend that you read the labels and the list of ingredients carefully. Good plant hair color is 100% plant-based



Is plant-based colors henna?

No, but the opposite is true. Henna is a plant that gives copper highlights, makes the hair shine and purifies the scalp. Applying only henna is a form of plant-based coloring. But henna is often part of a complex mix of different tinctorial and Ayurvedic plants to compose a professional plant-based coloring.



Is plant-based coloring permanent?

Yes, plant-based coloring is permanent. It is not a hair color that fades after a few shampoos!



Does plant-based coloring dry out hair?

Yes, it can contribute to drying the hair out. That is why we recommend maintaining it with a hydrating care such as the Greencolor Conditioner, in order to compensate this drying effect and maintain soft and shiny hair!



Can we go from a chemical coloring to a plant-based one?

Yes, it is possible to transition from a chemical coloring to a plant-based one, by doing a hair detox in order to purify the hair from synthetic leftovers.



Does plant-based coloring cover white hair?

Yes! The plant-based Organic Infused Colors by Rodolphe&Co and Greenleaf Botanique are developed to ensure optimal and natural coverage of up to 100% of white hair, with transparency effect or not. For optimal hold, we recommend the use of the HydroGel and a regular application (every 3 weeks) for people with difficult white hair.



How long does a plant-based color last?

This coloration being completely natural, it often requires a longer resting time. Depending on the desired results and the color chosen, you will have to wait between 30min to 2hrs. In addition, you must also wait 48 to 72 hours without shampoo after the plant-based coloring, so that the pigments set and reveal all their splendour.



How long between two plant-based color application?

It depends on everyone's needs: you can totally apply a plant-based coloring as a treatment once a week, or opt for covering the roots as soon as they are visible... There is no rule!



Is plant-based hair color non-allergenic?

Organic Infused Colors and Greenleaf Botanique plant-based hair colors do not contain synthetic elements that are aggressive and irritating to the skin. On the other hand, a person can be allergic to everything, even to 100% plant coloring. Risk zero does not exist! This is why, before applying a plant-based coloring, we recommend carrying out a test application on the wrist in accordance with the instructions and the precautions for use. Synthetic colorings may have got some people over-sensitive.



I am pregnant, can I use plant-based hair colors?

Yes, we recommend plant-based coloring to all pregnant or breastfeeding women.



Can we lighten hair with a plant-based color?

No. The plant-based coloring does not contain any synthetic element that makes it possible to remove the scales of the hair and to lighten it. Plant-based coloring only allows tone-on-tone or darker coloring. On the other hand, you can do a Mineral Balayage to lighten your hair before applying a plant-based toner.



Can we lighten a plant-based hair color?

It is possible to do a Mineral Balayage on plant-based colored hair, but only on light colors. This is because whitening reacts poorly to the indigo plant and may cause undesirable results. To find out what can or cannot be done depending on your situation, we recommend that you visit one of our Rodolphe&Co salons in order to do a totally personalized diagnosis of your hair.



Can we obtain cold tones with plant-based color?

Yes, we have a few cold colors (Black, Walnut and Deep Chestnut are rather intense cold colors). If you are blonde, we recommend the Golden Blonde shade, leaving it on for only 20 minutes without heat in order to obtain a beige shade.



How to choose my plant-based hair color?

You can go to one of our Rodolphe&Co salons to do a personalized diagnosis according to your preferences and needs. You can also carry out an online self-diagnosis by following this link, in order to determine in advance the color that you would like to see on you!


Caution! Plant-based coloring being a natural colouring, it can react quite differently depending on many criteria: the nature of the hair, the pH of the scalp, the temperature, the external conditions, the stress, etc. It should therefore be kept in mind that the result shown is an estimate and not a guarantee.



Is plant-based coloring organic?

You need to distinguish "natural" from "organic", a natural product is not necessarily organic. An organic ingredient must have been grown according to ORGANIC standards, that is to say without pesticides, respectful of the environment and the naturalness of the product, and certified by a regulatory body such as ECOCERT or COSMEBIO.


Our Organic Infused Colors and Greenleaf Botanique plant-based hair colors are 100% ORGANIC certified by Ecocert. Choosing a certified organic coloring is the only guarantee that there were no pesticides or other toxic substances on the plantations before harvest.



Is plant-based coloring vegan?

Yes. A good plant-based hair color is only made of plants, it is a totally vegan product.



What is the role of the HydroGel?

HydroGel is a technology developed and manufactured in Brittany which allows you to obtain a brighter, more intense plant-based color and to get a real hair care during the application of the color. It is optional and can also be used alone between your colors or if you have scalp problems (dandruff, chronic itching, eczema...)



Is the HydroGel natural?

Yes, the HydroGel is natural and certified organic by Ecocert COSMOS ORGANIC, its mineral and plant active ingredients are essentially marine and Breton. Breton manufacturing.


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